Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Inspiration from Toolbox

Tonight before I go to bed I wanted to take a little while and search through others resolutions on the Happiness Project Toolbox. This is a great source on inspiration for me because there are so many different types of resolutions that people are going through...
  • Write for 30 minutes a day (thinking this would be a great side resolution for a month)
  • Feel Pretty (I am loving the idea to take a month that is based solely on the outside... Meaning mani/pedi and shaving my legs every day that sort of thing... March Maybe???)
  • Mindful Eating (Thinking this would be great for another mini challenge this year)
  • Go Outside (I totally need to make this a resolution... I am so bad at being inside all day long... I think I should have to spend 20 minutes a day outside as long as it is not raining)
So I know its not much but it still a great step at thinking about what I could add to my own project... And I'm sure that is the whole point of the website anyways!!!

Goodnight and I will be sure and post tomorrow evening about my first day!!

Tomorrow Is the Day

Tomorrow is March 1st meaning the start of my mini challenge... I work tomorrow at eight am so my goal is to wake up at six, do my morning yoga, go to work then come home and walk on the tread because I have biggest loser to catch up on...
I can't wait to see if this challenge works well for me. I want to try and post as much as possible to so I can see my progress as I go through the month... I will hopefully have a great report tomorrow considering its only day one!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

March Mini Challenge

I really want to get myself into shape and waiting till next year just seems too far away... I have been on this journey before but never seem to actually make it. I am hoping this time however with following the resolutions chart on the Happiness project Toolbox that I will be able to not only do this but stick to it this time...

Goal-Exercise Better
  • Do Yoga every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed
  • Use My BodyBugg/ Walking 10,000 steps a day (I will do the prep-work for this step this upcoming week to see where I am at right now and how many more steps I need to do with in my day and also just plain and simply renew my bodybugg and start wearing it again
  • Walk on the Treadmill or outside 3x a week
  • Do a 15 min exercise or longer 3x a week
  • No eating dessert at work
So there you have it my March Mini Challenge... It should be fun to see how this goes!

Keeping Track of Where My Inspiration Is Coming From

So I don't have to be to work until 6pm tonight and it is a gross windy rainy day outside (Yes I know I live in Washington and should be use to it, but we have been spoiled by somewhat nice February weather lately so its gross outside to even me) So this means I have the whole mid morning and early afternoon to work on my Happiness Project Preparations. So this will most likely be a multi-post day.
This post is going to be about where my inspiration for resolutions are coming from... I only have one example right now but its still worth getting out onto my blog.

  • Learn to Speak Italian- I have been wanting to learn a new language for awhile now but coming up with Italian came from listening to the audio book Eat, Pray, Love! The sound of every Italian word is just so beautiful and I just want to learn as much of it as possible! I am well aware that I should just re-learn the Spanish language which we had to learn in high school because where I live this language would actually come in handy, but I just don't fell a connection with it and could care less about trying to re-learn any of it. Maybe that will be in my next project...
  • Creativity Month- Okay I do have another one but this is just a huge jumble of things and places... I have wanted to do project 365 forever. I'm always amazed at how cool other peoples albums look with a picture taken from every day of a year. Now realistically I am not good at taking pictures daily so I am making it project 31 or 28 or 30 (Depending on the month I do creativity). To me taking a picture once a day for a month seems much more manageable. Within this month I plan on doing lots of scrapbooking as well... I am thinking maybe at least one hour of scrapbooking at least four times a week.
  • Happiness Music Playlist- I want to create a playlist about music that makes me happy... This inspiration came to me at work when I was listening to Walk this Way on the radio and realized that it put me into an instant happy mood... So this will be part of my Creativity month and I will search through different genres to see what songs instantly make me happy!

Well that's all I have for now... I will keep this updated as soon as I think of more things and where the inspiration for them are coming from!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Three Stages

So I am now in the process of re-reading the happiness project to get all the info I wanted to remember down on paper and into my own resolutions. I have made it through the introduction and I wanted to do a post on the three stages to creating a happiness project according to Gretchen.
  1. Preparation Stage- Identify what brings you joy and contentedness and also what brings you guilt and gloom
  2. Making Of Resolutions- Identify concrete actions that will boost happiness
  3. Keeping Your Resolutions
I think that I will end up having a posts for the first two stages and obviously the last stage will be followed by months or whatever I choose to do. Still glad to get this out and into action

Monday, February 6, 2012


I finished reading the Happiness Project this morning! It is such an inspiring book as you can tell by me creating my own Happiness Project blog. The goal now is to re-read the book and highlight and write in it all the ideas I want to copy from her and all the new ideas I have for my own project. Today is a good day!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Idea's for my STA and my Personal Commandments

1. It will get better, it always does, it might take time, but believe me, It DOES get better...
2. Putting something off makes it instantly harder and scarier
3. Watch what you say, you cannot take it back
4. The people that bother me the most are the ones that teach me the most
5. Most people just want someone to listen to them
6. If it can be done now, do it
7. The days are long but the years are short
8. One doesn't fully appreciate another until he or she is no longer here
9. There is a perfect song for every emotion you can possibly feel
10. Don't say anything about anyone that you wouldn't say to their face
11. This too shall pass