Sunday, March 25, 2012

Day Twenty-Four and Twenty-Five

It has been a great weekend. I spent most of Saturday morning sleeping in until noon. Then was able to get a 20 minute Zumba workout in before heading to work. I was so happy that I was able to at least get a workout in. I weighed myself and was very happy to see a 154 on the scale. That makes it 4 pounds down.
Work Saturday went really well and very fast because it was such a huge event but I didn't mind. I got to work with Lori who had been on vacation so that was really nice. I was also given a compliment from one of the older steak house guys who told me I was just too cute. I enjoy making people happy and I think I have a great knack at it.
Today I once again slept in till ten thirty because of my late night at work. Then I got up and got ready to head to town. I wanted to stop by and see my Grandma but she was gone to church so I just went on into Bellingham. I was going to see Nicole who I had not seen in such a long time and it was like we had never been apart. I did spend a little too much money but I had such a fun time. I took her to the Cliff House for an early Birthday dinner and I loved having the soup. I am thinking I will most likely go back and return one or two things to make myself feel a little better.
After my time with Nicole I stopped my by ex's Grandma's to say hi and was shocked when he supplied me with $60 to help pay me for the necklace I bought from Nicole. It was a very touching thing to do and I had a nice time visiting with him for about a half hour. Its nice to know that we can indeed still be friends.
On my way home I stopped by my Grandma's one more time and yet again she was not home so I am hoping to try and see her sometime tomorrow. I came home and sorted through a whole bunch of things from my trailer that I have all the things from my apartment in it. I think I have four more boxes to do and then I shall be done and able to make moving a breeze when the time comes.
After that I was able to walk the treadmill for a half hour just to make sure I got a little bit of exercise in. Then a small dinner of cereal and a nice hot bath that then has lead me to my room where I am writing this and listening to the Kitchen House (audiobook I am listening to right now)

Day Twenty-Three

I was able to do a very fun morning of Zumba live. I of course could not do the whole part but I was able to get through more then the day before. Then off to work I went with a pretty simple day considering it was a Friday. I got to go to the sixth floor of the hotel because there was a simple event going on and it was cool to see what it was like.
I was driving home and realized I needed to get fuel so off to the pole road gas station I went. Once I had filled my tank I got a text from Joe and he asked me to come to Neil's which for Joe was a huge step for him. I had a very nice time and knew it was going to be a very fun night. I woke up on Saturday morning a very happy women!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Day Twenty-Two

Did another zumba workout; today it was an ab sculpting workout and its one of those workouts where you actually feel what you are doing. For some reason I have completely stopped doing yoga both in the morning and night. I'm not sure if its something I am going to try to get back into or not. I am however going to either purchase Insanity or p90x in the upcoming months so that as soon as I move into my new apartment I will have a workout I can do.
The good news however is that I am getting better at not wanting treats at work. I do of course want them but they are the same thing every time and its making it way easier to say no. And when I do take something I am tending to just take a bite of it and then throw it away. This is coming from reading somewhere that said the first bite is you anticipation bite, therefore making it the best bite.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day Twenty-One

Woke up at five forty five this morning!!!! Maybe not exactly as early as I was planning on waking up this morning but I went with it. Did a little blog surfing till about six thirty and then decided to get my Zumba on! I was able to do one more routine today so made it 34 mins. My back is sore from doing something at work to tweak it but I made it through just fine. I once again was sweaty so I know its a good workout.
I work at ten today so after working out I just decided to take a bath and read a little more of Blink. I am really enjoying this book along with 12x12! After that spent a little time buying some Itunes songs and just waiting to head to work!
Work was INSANE today though. We had overlapping events and it kept us all on our feet to say the least. I was off by six and drove home to eat some dinner then was a good girl and walked for a half hour while watching Biggest Loser!
For the rest of the night I just took a bath and chilled online because work just took so much out of me.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day Twenty

So far today has been well. I woke up at eight thirty which is a first for this week! Then I got online and was able to catch up on my blogging and happiness project toolbox resolutions. I was also able to read the blogs I enjoy so. Then I went upstairs and walked for twenty minutes thinking that would be my walking for the day then took a bath and read more of Blink. But afterwards I went upstairs to eat dinner and started watching the info commercials for Insanity and Jillian Micheal's new 90 day program. This was just what I needed to put in the zumba toning and sculpting DVD.
I wasn't able to do the whole thing but I did get a good sweat on. It felt good to be active again! I will be buying one of the 90 day programs so that once I move I will be able to start it. It has also given me an idea to do another sort of happiness project idea called my year with Jillian. The goal would be to do nothing but Jillian Micheal's workouts for the whole year.
I also have been keeping a food log today and I hope to continue doing this. I don't wanna be this unhealthy thing anymore and I know the small steps will all add up.

Day nineteen

Today is my day off before I get to work for five days in a row!!! This is going to be the first full week of work I will be doing in weeks now. I am hoping that this is a sign that things are picking up which will help the paycheck which will help me to be able to move out. I didn't do a whole lot today other then walk a little and watch NASCAR which I missed Sunday because of work. Then I had to drive my mom to my grandma's because they are leaving to start their season.
There I talked to my lil cousin to find out what she knew about her mom and that poor little girl thinks her mom will be home this week or next week. She doesn't understand what is going on at all.
When I got home I ate some dinner then walked again where I ran at 10% incline at 6mph for 30 seconds. Then walked at my normal 3mph. It felt good and I think I will try and improve that to a longer and longer time. I also am starting to sort through all my belongings in the trailer so that I can get rid of the clutter and also start my inventory list. Tonight I did Christmas stuff, though I think I am missing some things which are most likely in the trailer somewhere! So the end of the night was way more productive then the start of my day. I went to bed listening to my audio-book!

Day Seventeen and Eighteen

Things have been interesting this weekend. I woke up on Saturday to find out that my Aunt is in jail for Embezzlement. She had gone up to Alaska for the week to deal with a DUI thing and I guess when she went to get her ankle bracelet taken off they then arrested her for that. The worst part of it all is that no one in my family minus my Grandma are shocked about this. We all knew something was going on just not sure what. At this moment all we know is that her ex husband may be trying to bail her out but the charges could land her in jail anywhere from one to twenty five years. And the person I feel the worst for is her seventeen year old daughter who just thought her mom was going up for a week and would be home Sunday. It could be a few months to a year before she ever sees her mom.
So Saturday morning involved me going over to my Grandma's and just sitting there trying to get all the facts. I was there right up until I had to go to work and then worked a four to midnight shift. It was for a surprise party and was very boring. I am getting flustered with my work place as well but I think the best remedy for that is to just not talk to much.
Sunday I was at work at eleven and worked till five thirty. Another very slow day but at least it was hours. I came home had some dinner then took a bath and went to bed early. This of course made it to that I was up at like ten watching Bones until like three thirty in the morning.
Pretty much there have been no resolutions following going on this weekend but the goal is to get back on track Monday/Tuesday. I only have two more weeks left of this month!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day Sixteen

Today was my last day off of my three day weekend. It has been a very unproductive three days and I have not been doing well with my resolutions what so ever. So the goal??? Get a fresh start starting Monday morning. I am doing really well with the walking part, almost becoming a daily obsession but I am eating like crap and I know its overriding everything to do with walking. So my goal now that I have gone grocery shopping is to eat well and workout more and just do everything in my power to get back on track!
I did walk today on the treadmill and I have had no soda and of course not being at work I have had not treats at work. But no yoga and I didn't do anything else workout related. I am hoping to hop back onto the treadmill for another twenty minutes tonight just to up my steps but I still think I am under with my steps amount today.

Half Way Point

Thought I would give myself an update on how I am doing with fifteen days done with for this month.
  • Morning Yoga 13/15
  • Walk 10,00 Steps a Day 13/15
  • Walk 3x a Week 2/2
  • Workout 3x a Week 2/2
  • No Treats at Work 10/15
  • No Soda 13/15
  • Nighttime Yoga 7/15
I weighed myself this morning and came up with 156.0! So I have a long way to go but at least I am trying and that's what matters most.

March Fifteenth

Walking walking walking. That was my theme for today. I went walking with Terra and the doggies in Lynden and then turned around and went walking with Ronni and prince in Ferndale. The difference, Ferndale has hills. I think if I were to add it all up I walked for about six miles! Not to shabby.
The rest of my goals are falling to the wayside. I haven't done yoga at all and I went shopping and bought a couple bad things that I ate a lot of this evening. The good news to this however is that I did go grocery shopping and have enough meals that I should not have to go out for a long while now. And I have decided to make April my no eating out month. I am halfway through the month and though things are a little off track right now I plan to jump back in the saddle.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March Fourteenth

It's cold and rainy outside once again today. It has even tried to snow a little. All this coldness is making me want to go down south for a little while to where it is warm! The kinda good news for today though is that even though I woke up at ten thirty again I feel a lot better then yesterday. My energy level is way higher and I actually feel like getting on my treadmill and walking for forty minutes. I also am gonna try this new yoga video I found on hulu later today and am marking that off as my morning yoga.
Today is the start of my three days off so I get to mark off the no treats category for three days so there is another positive note. Also Last night when I bought burger king I asked for a sprite and I hardly had any of it so it is sitting in my jeep waiting for me today but I am just gonna toss it. Why wreck such a good thing when I am not even enjoying the taste of soda anymore.
So I ended up walking four miles today which made me feel really good about myself. The only thing I didn't do today was any yoga what so ever. I had planned to but it just never happened. But Today is my halfway point through the month and tomorrow is going to be my fresh start. I am setting my alarm clock for seven am and I WILL get up and workout. Its time to finally change my body and to do that I need to be way more active. No more excuses for me just results.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March Thirteenth

There is nothing wrong at all and yet everything is wrong. I have no reason to be sad or have no energy and yet I am sad and I don't even have the energy to do my morning yoga. All I feel like doing in curling up in bed and watching netflix till I have to get ready for work. This has got me wondering if I feel this way because of how lazy I was yesterday or if it has to do with the fact that I put a flavor packet into my water that contains aspartame. This weekend is the first time I have had anything that contains aspartame in weeks and I think it may have finally caught up to me. My solution is to at least do my morning yoga but I don't think a walk or workout will be in order today. I am going to fulfill my desire to lay in bed till work and see what I feel tonight.
So I was able to at least do yoga but honestly I think that was it. I may have reached 10,000 steps but there was a lot of standing around at work today too so I didn't even give myself a check mark for that. Then I ate a cookie at work and while I was driving home I went and got Burger King so I had pop.
I knew something felt off today and I just wish I could figure out what it is. I am hoping that tomorrow goes over so much better!

Monday, March 12, 2012

March Twelfth

Dreaming some very strange dreams last night/early this morning I didn't rise until 10 am which made me feel like my whole day was gone. I was able to drag my lazy bum outta bed and do my morning yoga which was trying the other arm workouts which I did not enjoy so tomorrow I will go back to just the normal morning yoga plan.
I knew that I should do some sort of workout that wasn't just cardio so I worked on my abs today. I know I need to up my intensity of my workouts because I am not really at a beginning stage. All I need to do however is just get through this last week and I will have the house to myself and be able to do workouts upstairs and with the TV so I am hoping that will help.
I went out for lunch with Erin so that we could catch up on how her vacation to Hawaii went. I am excited to have her back and it should make work a lot more fun. I then came home and took a nap. I feel really stupid for doing that because I knew I didn't need one and I could have done something way more active. Once I woke up I did manage to walk for twenty minutes while watching the news. However I know for a fact that I didn't reach my steps today. I was just way to lazy for that.
Goal for tomorrow is to be up early and do my 3.7 mph workout on the tread before work. I need to get my body into shape really bad. It's driving me crazy the size I am at right now when I know I can be way healthier. I am also hoping to go on a health kick starting early next week!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Coming Up With Your Twelve Commandments

I was reading a blog post by Gretchen called To Be Happier, Write your own set of Personal Commandments and while I have already almost got all of my commandments filled I wanted to share what she says can help you figure out what works best for you.

  1. Consider the phrases that have stuck with you. Is there something that your parents or grandparents always say to you. If so think about if that could work for your commandments
  2. Try and keep your commandments "Short and Snappy" so that way they are easy to remember and can be a daily reminder. Remember you don't have to have twelve commandments. If five things work for you go with it. This is YOUR HAPPINESS PROJECT!!!
  3. Think about whats true for you- "You need to think about yourself, your values, your strengths and weaknesses, your interests."
On a personal note as I was reading the comments on this article (Which you can find on her website/Blog) I came across someone who had on their list Be Authentic and I just loved it and am adding it as a side note to my Be Christina commandment. I also have come up with commandment number eleven for myself. Be Present . This is something I need to do on a hourly basis because I am always trying to be in the past or the future and I want to be in the now and enjoy whatever it is I am going through in that present moment!

I originally wrote this on my wordpress blog that I am trying out right now to see if I like the way that blog format works but I knew I needed to put it on here because I think in the end I will most likely be sticking to this blog!

March Eleventh

Happy Sunday!! Another day off for me today so I plan on doing my morning yoga right after writing this and then watching NASCAR! My goal is to walk four miles today during the race. Thinking a very easy accomplishment but we shall see.
Going to be a lazy day other then that. Maybe do a little house cleaning but other then that I think I will just be chillaxin and reading a little of all three of my books!
On a completely different note; I have been doing some thinking after trying to follow my resolutions for a little over a week now. There are two areas where I am having a lot of trouble in and I think that maybe a little revision is in order.
  1. NO TREATS AT WORK- I have such a sweet tooth and not that great of will power to say no to treats at work. So I think what I should do is change it to only one time a week. I get to pick a day and have a treat on that day only. I am hoping that will help me to do two things. Still enjoy a treat that I crave so much and also not eat as much because I know I do get to have something during the week. I also want to try and only eat half of whatever it is I am enjoying. I was reading something somewhere that said you enjoy your first bite but by your last its just a habit and not enjoyable. So I want to savor that first bite.
  2. EVENING YOGA- I never seem to want to do yoga once I get off of work really late. All that sounds good to me is falling into bed. My change for this is going to be doing evening yoga on my days off and if I get off work early enough to be able to unwind.
I really think these little tweaks will help me get more check marks on my resolutions calendar!!!

The rest of Sunday went well. I walked four miles while watching NASCAR so I most definitely got in my 10,000 steps!! Then I spent a good portion of my evening working on my new blog that I have decided I am going to be switching over to as soon as this month is over. I was good and did my nighttime yoga routine as well!! So all in all a very nice lazy Sunday!

March Tenth

Today was good! I woke up with a very squeaky voice because of screaming all night. I honestly sounded like a mouse, but it just reminded me of how much fun I was having and for that I am okay with it! I didn't get home till three am this morning and was up at eight twelve on the dot. Not very much sleep for needing to be at work tonight. So I ended up having a pretty lazy morning. I read a little of Twelve by Twelve and then took a much needed nap till around twelve thirty. Then I finally did my "Morning" yoga and got caught up on the one of the few TV shows I watch.
I was able to get my butt on the treadmill too though. I walked at 3.7 mph at 5% incline for fifteen minutes then just a nice 3mph for another ten so I was able to kill two birds with one stone again by marking off working out and walking.
Work went really well tonight. It was a little slow going at first but we had about a two hour rush that really got me sweating which makes me feel good cause I feel like its a free workout. I was off by one thirty and I did have a treat at the end of the night so I blew that once again. I will figure it out one day how to say no to treats.
I was very tiered when I got home so I did not do my nighttime yoga either. So I was five for seven tonight! Not too bad if I do say so myself!

Friday, March 9, 2012

March Ninth

Today is the day I get to go see Blake Shelton in concert with two of my best girlfriends!!! I am so excited. It is only five thirty in the morning and my back hurts like hell and I think I am getting sick but nothing is going to bring me down today!!!
I am gonna try and take a nap soon so I can be alert all day but my goal is to kill two birds with one stone today and do a 3.7 mile per hour walk on a 5% incline for 20 minutes as both my workout and walking for today. Then it will be off to get ready with Ronni!!! I will be posting pictures on my main blog ( I know for a fact I wont be able to add anything more for today until tomorrow so until then!!!
OMG!!! That was the best concert I have ever been to!!! Justin Moore is AMAZING LIVE and he was just the opening act. Then Blake came on stage and put on an amazing show and the best part was MIRANDA LAMBERT came on stage and sang baggage claim!!!!
All I did yesterday was my morning yoga no treats and no pop... I didn't wear my bodybugg but I don't think I made my steps. But it was so so worth it and considering this is about a HAPPINESS project I can tell you I am super happy right now!!!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Eighth

So I woke up this morning around seven fifteen or so and was so happy it was still early. I did my morning yoga first thing as always and then decided to try and create a new blog on wordpress to see if I enjoyed its format more so then blogger. I think that it is indeed a neat site but I am not sure if I will make the switch or not. But I promise to keep everyone posted if I do so.
I work today at eleven so I am not sure if I will be working out or walking today. I hope everyone has a blessed day and I will finish this post later on tonight!
I am sitting cuddled up in a blanket at five o'clock in the morning finally getting to finishing my post for yesterday. I did terrible with my goals. I was able to do my morining yoga like stated above walk 10,000 steps and not drink pop and that's it. There is however a very good excuse for this and its all because of my picture of the day.
That is the Silver Reef Casino and it is where I work. I love my job but yesterday I was there for ten and a half hours and because I started at eleven in the morning it kind of took my whole day with it. I got home and pretty much just passed out. I am now wide awake with a very sore back and what I believe is the start to a cold (which I am praying is not the flu thing that is going around where I live)
So the eighth was not a bad day by any means just was not able to complete my goals for that day. Oh well better luck tomorrow!!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March Seventh

Yay I have officially done my mini challenge for a week straight. I of course do not have a perfect score but things are still better then the were. I have done my morning yoga every day and I am happy to state that I can officially put my hands to the ground when I do standing forward bend which I could not even touch the ground when I started. The other great thing is that I think I have more energy then before. I don't tend to want to take naps as much as before so I am not sure if that is because of working out or its all just in my brain. The last thing is that during my three day weekend I was able to keep up with my 10,000 steps a day without a problem. Normally I would be lucky if I reached 3,000.
Today was a complete success! I have a check mark on all of my goals for today. I woke up and did yoga first thing then did my workout which was on the treadmill but it was doing a 3.7 speed at 5% incline. I was most defiantly sweating at the end of that!! Then I went a a walk with Terra and the puppies before heading to work where I didn't have any treats from the events and no pop. I also was good and didn't go to Dairy Queen and get a blizzard which I was craving to do before work.
After work I came home did my evening yoga and wrote this lovely blog post. I am now off to bed to listen to my audio book and fall asleep. I work at eleven tomorrow so I want to be up at seven so I have a couple hours to myself in the morning. I think I might make it an no workout day depending on what time I get off.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March Sixth Part Two

The rest of today went pretty well. I went into town with my girlfriend Ronni so that we could find a cute outfit for her to wear to the concert we are going to on Friday. Mission accomplished, we found her a really cute dress along with the accessories to go with it. Along the way though I spent $40 on jewelry. Now its not like that's a ton of money but for a gal who is trying to save as much as possible it was a bad move. Plus on top of that I brought home Hawaiian BBQ for dinner so that was another ten bucks down the drain. So now I have to come up with a way to skimp $50 from somewhere and put money back into my savings.
As for everything else I was able to get my steps in between walking my 40 minutes and walking around the mall plus I did my nighttime yoga and I didn't have any pop. I think that I am going to have to add no fast food next month or maybe only going out to dinner two times a month. Something along those lines.
Back to my yoga for a second though. I tried doing a new routine tonight and only got one round of one set accomplished but I think it will be a great workout to work up to. I still did my night yoga but I did it without my phone and just stayed in every position for eight breaths. Tomorrow I go back to work but I promised Terra I would go walk with her before I went so I shall be up and about early I hope!

March Sixth Part One

So it is only 8:30 am right now and I have not even attempted to do my morning yoga yet. I fell asleep last night listening to the audio-book The Kitchen House (I am trying to get so much information into my brain that I read three books; one on simple living, one on money' and one on happiness or religion at a time. Then on top of that I listen to an audio-book for my pleasure reading).
For some reason I woke up at 2:00 in the morning and just couldn't fall back asleep. I thought I felt a headache coming on but it wasn't intense enough to get out of my warm bed and get an excedrin. I lay awake trying to fall asleep without using any sound. Finally I just gave up and went to Hulu and played an episode of Monk. It worked but then I woke up again at 6:00 and thought okay good I can get up early and enjoy my "Sunday". The best laid plans right some where between thinking of getting up and what to do this morning I fell back asleep. LOL!
Now I am actually up and looking out my window at SNOW and SUN!! It's a beautiful site but I however am not happy. Sometime between 2:00 and 8:00 my slight thought of a headache has blown into a mild migraine. Now let me take a moment to explain why this makes me unhappy:
I am pretty good when it comes to pain. I don't enjoy it of course but I can handle it for the most part. I have had kidney stones and was able to get through them without a tear and I can tell you they HURT!!! But for some reason when it comes to headaches I am the biggest baby ever. I can't stand them. I have a routine down where the second I feel it coming on I grab two Excedrin (And it has to be Excedrin or it doesn't work) and lay in bed for a half hour until it finally kicks in and thinking doesn't hurt anymore. Honestly I hate headaches so much I would rather go through having a kidney stone any day.
So that's where I start my day with a migraine and a not so happy attitude. Only I decided to try something new today and write this post while waiting the thirty minutes for the Excedrin to work. Its 8:58 now and I am now in a better mood just for getting my feelings out! Time to finally do my morning yoga and start my day.


Monday, March 5, 2012

March Fifth

I woke up this morning very peaceful and got up and did my morning yoga with in that same state of being. I was playing meditation music and I think from now on I will keep that tradition while doing yoga both in the morning and at night.
I had a few errands to run today so I drove up to Canada because I had two savings bonds I needed to cash out and bring back down here and was happy with the $139 in interest they had accumulated. I also got to go the A&W finally to use my gift card from Christmas. I did have a root beer with my chubby chicken burger but its A&W and to me it was a must. Going one day breaking that rule I am okay with.
Once I got back down into the states I went to my bank to deposit my bonus check I got from work last week along with the savings bonds money. It felt good to know that I was going to have a little extra to put into my emergency fund now.
Then it was off to the mall to buy hand soap at Bath and Body Works and I was lucky enough to go when the buy 7 for $20 sale was on. I should be good for hand soap for another seven months or so. I changed it up and went to the foam soap this time instead of the antibacterial one because I remember a news article saying that we don't need antibacterial in our everyday home life. And for some reason that stuck with me. So we shall see if it lasts longer or shorter then the one I use now. I also went and got my eyebrows waxed and of course went into the yogurt shop and got a small green tea yogurt. SO GOOD!!!
Then the last stop for me was to Marshall's to try and find a dress for the Blake Shelton concert I am going to on Friday. I wanted a white dress but if I couldn't find that a nice top was just gonna have to do. I couldn't find much until the very last dress I looked at and was so happy to find the white dress in my size. It was the first thing I tried on in the dressing room and I fell in LOVE with it. so $32 later the dress was mine...
After that I came home and read a little before I took a little nap then woke up and walked for 40 minutes and over 2 miles. Then had a nice dinner with my parents and took a bath. As I am writing this I am just waiting for it to be 8:00 so I can watch the voice. I need to check my bodybugg to see if I have made my steps today or not cause if not I will be hopping back on the treadmill later.
It has been a decent day off to say for sure!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

March Fourth

Good Morning Sunday and its so good cause of two things.
  1. I have the Day OFF
  2. NASCAR!!!!
    I woke up this morning at nine am because I had to work so late but I woke up refreshed and I did manage to do my morning yoga after running upstairs and checking the time for the start of the race. I think my goal will be to try and walk during the commercials to try and keep active and reach my 10,00 steps. I realized this morning that I walked way more than 1200 steps yesterday because it went into today's score and it says I have already walked 6000 steps which I most certainly have not. So I will be doing a little math tonight. 
    I decided to do this post a little different today and write it as my day progresses so most likely you will never realize what it is I am doing but I think it may help me.
    I had about an hour and a half before the race begun and I was just chillin looking at other peoples resolutions and decided to get in a casual workout. It was a little too casual for me though so I did my own thing during some of the resting points but it was still a good workout broke into a sweat at the end. Then went back to looking to finish my personal commandments and secrets of adulthood. I only have two more commandments to go.
    I got to watch about half the race today then went to Lynden to walk with Terra and we ended up spending the whole day together including dinner at Red Robin. YUM! It was good quality friend time.
    Then I came home and did my nighttime yoga and decided to hit the hay early. All in all a great day!!!

March Third

Today I had to get up and go to my Stampin Up club meeting. I was really good and did my morning yoga and then went and spent two hours out before coming home and taking a little nap before work knowing I had to start at five and wouldn't be home till after two am. So I sort of set myself up for failure. I knew I wasn't gonna go home and do yoga before bed. I figured I might have a chance not to eat treats at work but it was Frankie's Birthday so there were cupcakes for everyone and I lost the battle right then and there.
I didn't schedule any walking for myself today because I have three days off after tonight and can do all of my workouts and walking then.
At work things went pretty well. I think I need to start doing the don't say anything unless its a question directed to you because there seems to be a lot of tension going on and I don't want to be a part of it. Its hard for me to just not talk after I get to know people but I think it would be best for now because I don't want a bad review and on top of that I know that I shouldn't care what people think about me but I do and I only want it to be good so I think I shall go into a little more silence.
All in all I think the three day weekend is going to help me connect back with myself and help we rock out my next week at work. I made my 10,00 steps no problem so no worries there.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

March Second

Just a little note to reader I am writing this on the third but talking like its still the second. I just find this easier for my writing.

Today was a little more challenging the yesterday. I did not hit all the goals I had set for myself. I was able to wake up and do my yoga first thing so two day streak there. Then I did my 15 minute workout because I knew I had work and then going out after so I would have never got it done afterwards. So my morning went really well and then I went to work.
I did really great with the no pop but man let me tell you I was craving one like non other. I instead gave into a glass of energy drink during lunch and I had hot coco cause it was chilly at work. The good news though is that everyone who works at my work receives a bonus around this time each year and I received mine yesterday with a much greater sum then I was expecting to get. YAY ME!!!
So work was good work wise but I ate a treat at work. I am gonna have to learn how to say no to this. I think for sure its going to be one of the hardest parts to get through. I am a sweet treats kind of gal and I find it so hard to say no to a pretty cookie or anything red velvet. My strategy for tomorrow night is to pretend like if I eat the treats I have to give my bonus away to someone I don't like. That should stop me (Hopefully)
After work a bunch of us met up at the Coconut Grove and did a little work bashing over a couple drinks. I know its wrong and chances are it will happen again but hopefully I wont be such a big participant in it but I did feel a little relieved that I was not the only one feeling the way I do. So anyways I made it home and was just tipsy enough to not do my nighttime yoga. The thought crossed my mind but I smashed it and talked to Erin over the phone instead.
So the two major things to work on tomorrow night is the NO TREATS and doing yoga before bed. To end the night on a positive note I did walk over 19,000 steps today!

Friday, March 2, 2012

The Happiness Project

I realize I should have started out my blog with doing a review of the book that has inspired me to do this project in the first place; but I just realized today that I wanted to do a book review on the books I read so please forgive me.

The Happiness Project By Gretchen Rubin
During the very end of 2011 I ordered a bunch of books of of Amazon because I felt like I needed a change. I didn't realize that this one book would be the change I was craving. From the very first page I was hooked and by the first chapter I knew I would do my own Happiness Project.
The book starts out by Gretchen explaining how she realized that she needed more happiness in her life and that if she wanted that to be she was going to have to make it happen for herself. She gives the reader her personal commandments and her secrets to adulthood all before she digs into her year of happiness. She also gives you an idea of what her year was going to focus on.
Every chapter is a month and within each month she explains what that month of resolutions is about and how she went about them. What I love most about this book is that she relates her personal commandments and secrets of adulthood into her writing so you understand where she is coming from. Also I love that she doesn't just say everything went fine she writes about the good and the bad and I actually think that when things didn't go according to how she expected she learned more.
The end of the book she has a two page explanation of what happened after her year was up and I think it was just the best way for her to summarize how she felt. I love this book and recommend it to anyone who would like to become happier themselves. You don't have to devote a whole year to happiness as Gretchen did or how I am planning on but you could simply do a weeks worth at a time.
Being happy is something you must do for yourself and this book has opened the door for me and I will forever be grateful to Gretchen Rubin for writing this book!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March First

Today went well. I woke up at six am and did my morning yoga. Then decided I was too cold and lazy to shower before work and I knew my hair was still clean enough for one more day so I crawled back into bed and looked up some workouts I can do on my phone until six thirty. Then I finally got up and brushed my teeth and did my hair and started my Jeep because it was FREEZING outside this morning. Then back into my bed for ten minutes to let the Jeep get warm.
Drove to work listening to my slow down 2 mix on my I-Pod and had a nice drive in. Was really good and only had water before I clocked in. Then during my first break I had a cinnamon roll for breakfast. It was huge and delicious and a great breakfast indeed. Lunch was so much healthier with my salad small pile of rice and my orange. Had a nice and simple six hour day and got my yearly review which went well considering they were only judging me on two months worth of work. I apparently have to stop rolling my eyes. I shall try and do this though I am not sure I even realize that I am doing it...
I drove myself to Lynden to see the difference in miles after work and figured that I save myself five to six miles a day buy moving there. Then went to the store to buy everything I needed to make my dinner
Once I got home I made my favorite pasta with meat and lots of cheese then went into my room and watched Eat,Pray Love! Fell asleep somewhere around the Pray part and woke up in the middle of the Love part. Decided a nice hot bath was in order so I did that while listening to mediation music and shaved my legs!
All that I have left to do tonight is my bed time yoga! All Goals Met!!! And I crushed my 10000 step count rule!