Tuesday, March 13, 2012

March Thirteenth

There is nothing wrong at all and yet everything is wrong. I have no reason to be sad or have no energy and yet I am sad and I don't even have the energy to do my morning yoga. All I feel like doing in curling up in bed and watching netflix till I have to get ready for work. This has got me wondering if I feel this way because of how lazy I was yesterday or if it has to do with the fact that I put a flavor packet into my water that contains aspartame. This weekend is the first time I have had anything that contains aspartame in weeks and I think it may have finally caught up to me. My solution is to at least do my morning yoga but I don't think a walk or workout will be in order today. I am going to fulfill my desire to lay in bed till work and see what I feel tonight.
So I was able to at least do yoga but honestly I think that was it. I may have reached 10,000 steps but there was a lot of standing around at work today too so I didn't even give myself a check mark for that. Then I ate a cookie at work and while I was driving home I went and got Burger King so I had pop.
I knew something felt off today and I just wish I could figure out what it is. I am hoping that tomorrow goes over so much better!

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