Monday, March 5, 2012

March Fifth

I woke up this morning very peaceful and got up and did my morning yoga with in that same state of being. I was playing meditation music and I think from now on I will keep that tradition while doing yoga both in the morning and at night.
I had a few errands to run today so I drove up to Canada because I had two savings bonds I needed to cash out and bring back down here and was happy with the $139 in interest they had accumulated. I also got to go the A&W finally to use my gift card from Christmas. I did have a root beer with my chubby chicken burger but its A&W and to me it was a must. Going one day breaking that rule I am okay with.
Once I got back down into the states I went to my bank to deposit my bonus check I got from work last week along with the savings bonds money. It felt good to know that I was going to have a little extra to put into my emergency fund now.
Then it was off to the mall to buy hand soap at Bath and Body Works and I was lucky enough to go when the buy 7 for $20 sale was on. I should be good for hand soap for another seven months or so. I changed it up and went to the foam soap this time instead of the antibacterial one because I remember a news article saying that we don't need antibacterial in our everyday home life. And for some reason that stuck with me. So we shall see if it lasts longer or shorter then the one I use now. I also went and got my eyebrows waxed and of course went into the yogurt shop and got a small green tea yogurt. SO GOOD!!!
Then the last stop for me was to Marshall's to try and find a dress for the Blake Shelton concert I am going to on Friday. I wanted a white dress but if I couldn't find that a nice top was just gonna have to do. I couldn't find much until the very last dress I looked at and was so happy to find the white dress in my size. It was the first thing I tried on in the dressing room and I fell in LOVE with it. so $32 later the dress was mine...
After that I came home and read a little before I took a little nap then woke up and walked for 40 minutes and over 2 miles. Then had a nice dinner with my parents and took a bath. As I am writing this I am just waiting for it to be 8:00 so I can watch the voice. I need to check my bodybugg to see if I have made my steps today or not cause if not I will be hopping back on the treadmill later.
It has been a decent day off to say for sure!

1 comment:

  1. Christina~ Thanks for finding my blog and taking the time to comment and to follow. It is my first try at this and was inspired by Gretchen Rubin as well to start a blog and a Happiness Project of my own. Since I just finished the book I have not actually started the project in a formal way and am just learning my way around the toolbox, etc. It is great to see how yours is coming along so nicely. Good luck, I will enjoy following your progress!
