Saturday, March 3, 2012

March Second

Just a little note to reader I am writing this on the third but talking like its still the second. I just find this easier for my writing.

Today was a little more challenging the yesterday. I did not hit all the goals I had set for myself. I was able to wake up and do my yoga first thing so two day streak there. Then I did my 15 minute workout because I knew I had work and then going out after so I would have never got it done afterwards. So my morning went really well and then I went to work.
I did really great with the no pop but man let me tell you I was craving one like non other. I instead gave into a glass of energy drink during lunch and I had hot coco cause it was chilly at work. The good news though is that everyone who works at my work receives a bonus around this time each year and I received mine yesterday with a much greater sum then I was expecting to get. YAY ME!!!
So work was good work wise but I ate a treat at work. I am gonna have to learn how to say no to this. I think for sure its going to be one of the hardest parts to get through. I am a sweet treats kind of gal and I find it so hard to say no to a pretty cookie or anything red velvet. My strategy for tomorrow night is to pretend like if I eat the treats I have to give my bonus away to someone I don't like. That should stop me (Hopefully)
After work a bunch of us met up at the Coconut Grove and did a little work bashing over a couple drinks. I know its wrong and chances are it will happen again but hopefully I wont be such a big participant in it but I did feel a little relieved that I was not the only one feeling the way I do. So anyways I made it home and was just tipsy enough to not do my nighttime yoga. The thought crossed my mind but I smashed it and talked to Erin over the phone instead.
So the two major things to work on tomorrow night is the NO TREATS and doing yoga before bed. To end the night on a positive note I did walk over 19,000 steps today!

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