Thursday, March 8, 2012

March Eighth

So I woke up this morning around seven fifteen or so and was so happy it was still early. I did my morning yoga first thing as always and then decided to try and create a new blog on wordpress to see if I enjoyed its format more so then blogger. I think that it is indeed a neat site but I am not sure if I will make the switch or not. But I promise to keep everyone posted if I do so.
I work today at eleven so I am not sure if I will be working out or walking today. I hope everyone has a blessed day and I will finish this post later on tonight!
I am sitting cuddled up in a blanket at five o'clock in the morning finally getting to finishing my post for yesterday. I did terrible with my goals. I was able to do my morining yoga like stated above walk 10,000 steps and not drink pop and that's it. There is however a very good excuse for this and its all because of my picture of the day.
That is the Silver Reef Casino and it is where I work. I love my job but yesterday I was there for ten and a half hours and because I started at eleven in the morning it kind of took my whole day with it. I got home and pretty much just passed out. I am now wide awake with a very sore back and what I believe is the start to a cold (which I am praying is not the flu thing that is going around where I live)
So the eighth was not a bad day by any means just was not able to complete my goals for that day. Oh well better luck tomorrow!!!

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