Wednesday, March 7, 2012

March Seventh

Yay I have officially done my mini challenge for a week straight. I of course do not have a perfect score but things are still better then the were. I have done my morning yoga every day and I am happy to state that I can officially put my hands to the ground when I do standing forward bend which I could not even touch the ground when I started. The other great thing is that I think I have more energy then before. I don't tend to want to take naps as much as before so I am not sure if that is because of working out or its all just in my brain. The last thing is that during my three day weekend I was able to keep up with my 10,000 steps a day without a problem. Normally I would be lucky if I reached 3,000.
Today was a complete success! I have a check mark on all of my goals for today. I woke up and did yoga first thing then did my workout which was on the treadmill but it was doing a 3.7 speed at 5% incline. I was most defiantly sweating at the end of that!! Then I went a a walk with Terra and the puppies before heading to work where I didn't have any treats from the events and no pop. I also was good and didn't go to Dairy Queen and get a blizzard which I was craving to do before work.
After work I came home did my evening yoga and wrote this lovely blog post. I am now off to bed to listen to my audio book and fall asleep. I work at eleven tomorrow so I want to be up at seven so I have a couple hours to myself in the morning. I think I might make it an no workout day depending on what time I get off.

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