Tuesday, March 6, 2012

March Sixth Part One

So it is only 8:30 am right now and I have not even attempted to do my morning yoga yet. I fell asleep last night listening to the audio-book The Kitchen House (I am trying to get so much information into my brain that I read three books; one on simple living, one on money' and one on happiness or religion at a time. Then on top of that I listen to an audio-book for my pleasure reading).
For some reason I woke up at 2:00 in the morning and just couldn't fall back asleep. I thought I felt a headache coming on but it wasn't intense enough to get out of my warm bed and get an excedrin. I lay awake trying to fall asleep without using any sound. Finally I just gave up and went to Hulu and played an episode of Monk. It worked but then I woke up again at 6:00 and thought okay good I can get up early and enjoy my "Sunday". The best laid plans right some where between thinking of getting up and what to do this morning I fell back asleep. LOL!
Now I am actually up and looking out my window at SNOW and SUN!! It's a beautiful site but I however am not happy. Sometime between 2:00 and 8:00 my slight thought of a headache has blown into a mild migraine. Now let me take a moment to explain why this makes me unhappy:
I am pretty good when it comes to pain. I don't enjoy it of course but I can handle it for the most part. I have had kidney stones and was able to get through them without a tear and I can tell you they HURT!!! But for some reason when it comes to headaches I am the biggest baby ever. I can't stand them. I have a routine down where the second I feel it coming on I grab two Excedrin (And it has to be Excedrin or it doesn't work) and lay in bed for a half hour until it finally kicks in and thinking doesn't hurt anymore. Honestly I hate headaches so much I would rather go through having a kidney stone any day.
So that's where I start my day with a migraine and a not so happy attitude. Only I decided to try something new today and write this post while waiting the thirty minutes for the Excedrin to work. Its 8:58 now and I am now in a better mood just for getting my feelings out! Time to finally do my morning yoga and start my day.


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